The terminals from CLAAS.

S7 Terminal

First steps in precision steering.

The S7 basic terminal has all the latest technology and is the right choice if you just want to use your terminal to control a parallel guidance or automatic steering system. With its high-resolution 7″ touchscreen, the S7 performs all the functions provided by its predecessor, the S3.

It also comes with reference line management and a USB interface for data management, as well as fast data exchange with the AGROCOM NET and AGROCOM MAP software packages.

The basic version of the S7 uses the EGNOS correction signal, but the OMNISTAR, BASELINE HD and RTK signals are also available as options. The GLONASS satellites can also be activated. It is no longer necessary to change the antenna when changing correction signal as the S7 has an integrated, factory-fitted dual-frequency receiver for the various signals.


Data transfer between machine and office.

The amount of documentation required nowadays means that paperwork takes up increasing amounts of time. With the S10 and S7 terminals and the AGROCOM NET and AGROCOM MAP farm management software you can reduce this work to a few mouse clicks. The data recorded in the field can be exported from the terminal onto a USB stick and then imported into the software.

COPILOT terminal

The entry-level model with many functions.
  • Automatic reference track offset
  • Integrated area calculation
  • Headland alarm
  • RS-232 interface for outputting correction data
  • Can be used flexibly on any machine
  • Short set-up times

The COPILOT is the perfect assistant for drivers who are steering the machine themselves: an LED lightbar on the COPILOT terminal display indicates the right direction at all times, whether the vehicle is travelling in parallel lines or along variable contours. With the free EGNOS correction signal the COPILOT achieves a pass-to-pass accuracy of 15 to 30 cm – this is an enormous help, enabling the full working width of attached machines to be utilised more effectively and reducing overlaps. The COPILOT also proves a reliable assistant in poor light and weather conditions and allows drivers to extend the working day comfortably into the evening or night.